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ACS NSW Young Professionals Half-Day Conference

This special inaugural event for NSW Young Professionals is aimed towards, but not limited to, students currently who are completing their studies. It will provide participants the opportunity to keep abreast with their Professional Development through the facilitation of three separate workshops, highlighting ways in which you can stand out and succeed as a skilled professional.

Event Start: Thu 20 Apr 08:30 AM AEST
Event Finish: Thu 20 Apr 12:30 PM AEST


Registration End Date: Thu 20 Apr 11:30 AM

<b>Session 1: Expectation vs Reality</b><br><br>Transiting from a student to an IT professional can be quite a roller coaster ride. It can be a road full of hurdles and sometime it seems even worse if you are an international student.<br> <br>Putting visa regulations aside, there are a lot of myths surrounding the success stories of how local students seem to go through this transition stage rather unscathed.<br> <br>This session is going to bust some of the myths about local student success factors and provide some background to non-local student the reasons behind the success stories.<br> <br><b>Session 2: Vendor Certification or Academic Qualification?  Why not both?</b><br><br>Many employers struggle to find talent with the right combination of hard and soft skills.  As an individual, what skills should you be looking for that will meet the needs of your future employers?<br> <br>It&#39;s one thing to hold a degree or point to acquired knowledge of IT concepts and theories, but it&#39;s quite another to be able to prove, in practice, your command of technology and leverage it to make business more efficient.<br> <br>This presentation will look at role of Vendor Certifications in the ICT industry, ICT Certification pathways and the emergence of Micro-Credentialing in gaining recognition for skills you will develop throughout your career.<br> <br>We also look at the importance of Academic Qualifications and Vendor Certifications complement your undergraduate degree.<br> <br><b>Session 3: Skills &amp; Mindset required to Secure Your Next Job or Contract</b><br><br>Where information is a commodity item, how can you stand out as a knowledge expert?  How can you differentiate yourself and ensure that people see you as a valuable product?  Whether you’re an employee, contractor or business owner, today your mindset and actions must change if you are to keep yourself marketable and specifically if you are looking to enter a new market.<br> <br>Technology has enabled many barriers to fall when entering new markets or creating new products, allowing greater speed, agility and reduced costs. As a skilled professional you must now compete in a global market and remove a completely different set of barriers if you are to be successful.  You must address the internal barriers that stand in the way of changing your mindset and associated actions.  These skills are critical to you as individual entering the job market or moving in your career.<br><br>In this interactive session, you will learn how to:<br> <br>• Identify conscious and unconscious barriers to success.<br>• Pinpoint myths and unquestioned assumptions of what you’re capable of.<br>• Utilise proven tools to develop a positive self-talk and mind-shift change.<br>• Develop new habits that support your conscious intentions.<br>• Become more self-reflective mindset enabling you to adapt to change.<br>• Apply the Communicate31 3C Model for personal and professional success. 

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Professional development (PDSV) -> Level 5


Angela Lee

Angela Lee

Angela Lee, is employed within the Cyber Security space at Commonwealth Bank.  Angela joined the IT industry in 2005 as a graduate BA in AMP Financial Services. In this role, Angela started as an internal consultant before moving on to a BA role in a high-profile application support team where she gained experience in dealing with high impact changes and incidents. Concurrently, she also served the role of a release manager in the production support team where she learned about the importance of working with different teams, attention to detail and coffee!  


Angela has since held various BA roles for different financial institutions, including her latest role at Commonwealth Bank. This included her tenure at Suncorp where she was introduced to Agile methodology and eventually took up a role as an Iteration Manager.


Angela was a member of ACS Young IT Committee between 2014 to 2016 and had organised many Young IT events including the Graduate series that catered specifically for Young IT looking to apply for a graduate role after university.


In addition the to information system qualification, Angela holds a bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Sydney majoring in Government and International Relations and is also currently a Director of a start-up within the Entertainment Industry dealing with K-Pop.

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Henry Louey

Henry Louey

ICT Educator, Public Speaker and Business Development Executive, Henry has over 25 years’ experience in all facets of the ICT education and training sector - both locally and abroad.


As an educator, Henry has designed and implemented a number of programs with colleges and universities across the region to help align industry certification into core school curriculum

As a public speaker and writer, Henry has been an industry speaker at many I.T conferences and has spoken on topics such as Cloud Computing, Security, Identity Management& Green I.T.  Henry has also authored a number of articles which have been published in industry magazines.


In business development, Henry has been successful in growing and developing new certification opportunities in both domestic and international markets.

Before joining ACS, Henry has worked for multiple global companies including Novell, CompTIA and Telstra. Henry holds an B.Sc at Deakin University and is MACs (Snr) CP.

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Clare Mann

Clare Mann

Clare is an organisational psychologist, best-selling author of numerous books and trainer with extensive international experience facilitating individuals and organisations to create extraordinary results.  She is the Editor in Chief of the digital business magazine Ethical Futures: Conversations that Matter, which champions businesses that underpin success with ethical principles. 

Her main focus has been on collaborative leadership, communication across all levels of the organisation and principled consultancy.

Her latest book, 'Communicate: How to say what needs to be said, when it needs to be said, in the way it needs to be said', includes contributions from CEOs/leaders across three continents with the foreword written by a former presidential advisor in the US Whitehouse. 
She was awarded Fellowship of both the Australian Human Resources Institute and the British Psychological Society for her contribution to these professions.
She runs a number of public and in-house programs, including a 16-month communications/leadership program entitled the Communicate Accountability System, which teaches individuals and leaders to be personally and professionally successful.

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11 Harbourview Crescent,Lavender Bay,NSW,Australia

  • where

  • Kirribilli Club
    11 Harbourview Crescent
    Lavender Bay NSW 2060
  • when

  • Event Start:
    Thu 20 Apr 08:30 AM AEST

    Event Finish:
    Thu 20 Apr 12:30 PM AEST
  • event price

  • Member: $20.00
  • Member-Concessional: $20.00
  • Non-Member: $40.00

  • * Your price may vary on registration depending on your membership type.

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Event Terms and Conditions


  • Payment in full is required the time of booking in order for the registration to be valid.
  • To avoid disappointment, ensure you pay for your booking(s) before the registration closing date. Anyone that has not received a confirmation email will not be on the event attendance list and therefore will not be admitted to the event.
  • Online registration ends at the time stated on the event registration page.

Cancellation and Refund

All cancellations must be processed through the website, a refund will only be considered if it is at least 3 working days prior to the event.


  • ACS reserves the right to change the program at any time. Every effort will be made to ensure a program of equivalent standard and members are updated with changes.
  • All dietary requirements are considered, however we cannot guarantee a 100% allergen free environment.
  • ACS reserves the right to prohibit entry or eject any person from an ACS event based on behaviour deemed inappropriate by ACS staff, its agents and/or others working under its authority.
  • Filming or streaming by attendees is not permitted. If an attendee is found to be doing so they will be asked to leave the event immediately and further action may be taken.
  • Photography and/or filming may take place during this event, by accepting these terms you consent to this. Please let a member of ACS know if you do not want your picture taken.

COVID-19 Event Attendance Compliance

By registering to attend an ACS in person event you are agreeing to the below terms and conditions

  • If an attendee is displaying flu or cold like symptoms in the days leading up to the event and therefore is not able to attend, ACS will refund the registration fee.
  • If an attendee comes to an event and is displaying flu or cold like symptoms they will be asked to leave
  • We ask all ACS members to respect the social distancing guidelines, if an attendee repeatedly disregards these guidelines, they may be asked to leave
  • ACS reserves the right to cancel the event within 24 hours' notice if either the speaker or the event host has advised us that they are exhibiting flu or cold like symptoms
  • All attendees must provide a valid phone number and email address to be contacted on if there is reason to notify about a possible COVID-19 exposure

Personal information collection notice

By registering for this event, you are providing personal information to the Australian Computer Society. In accordance with the ACS Privacy Policy, ACS collects personal information through registrations and attendances at its events for the purposes of:

  • organising and providing the various professional development events held by the ACS (including for example, courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, launches);
  • processing and managing event registrations (including catering for dietary requirements);
  • maintaining event attendance records;
  • contacting registered event guests with information in regard to the event and seeking post-event feedback;
  • communicating with you to in relation to future events or ACS products, courses, services, promotions or other products or services that ACS reasonably thinks may be of interest to attendees;
  • processing and responding to attendee inquiries; and
  • conducting research to improve its events and better understanding needs. 

If the required information is not provided, we or any involved third parties, may not be able to respond to you, update you, or provide appropriate services or events to you.

We may obtain personal information directly from you or from someone who registers for the event on your behalf. If you provide us with personal information about another person, you must do so only with their consent and agree to make them aware of this privacy notice.

ACS may share your personal information with third parties for the collection purposes noted above or as set out in our Privacy Policy, where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of our activities, or required by law.

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