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Special Interest Group

Creating New Jobs in ICT

Joint ACS NSW/QESP event

ACS Auditorium, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
Wed 17 May 2017 06:00 PM AEST
Duration: 1.5 hours

Member $0.00

Member-Concessional $0.00

Non-Member $40.00

Register by Wed 17 May 2017 02:00 PM AEST
In Person
CPD Hours: -
Skills Level: -

About this event

This event aims to raise awareness of the ICT skills shortage and show how new jobs can be created.

Anne-Marie Elias, ChiefDisrupter will discuss the current environment in ICT and the skill needed in the future. 
Anne-Marie’s has empowered government, NGO, business and communities to connect with and leverage the innovation, entrepreneurship, start-up and tech ecosystem to solve tipping point problems and achieve real outcomes.

Anne-Marie is a mentor, judge, organiser and champion of start-up, accelerators and hackathons, who is a passionate, committed and results driven innovator, inspired by delivering change and engaging cross-sector stakeholders to unite to achieve common goals. 

Jitendra Verma,ProGalore Australia CEO, will be representing the ACS Startups & Small Business SIG.  ProGalore (Professional + Abundance) Australia is itself a good example of a successful small business startup since 2010, in the areas of ICT Management consulting, resource management and project delivery. ProGalore is also a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and will cover Federal & State Government grants for education and training.

This event will be facilitated by Ted Smillie, the QESP Chair.


Jitendra Verma
Anne-Marie Elias

Event Location

ACS Auditorium, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
ACS Auditorium, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000