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Glossary & Definitions



Advisory Board

Management Committee has established three Boards to provide advice and thought leadership on specific areas of Society interest. Congress elects the Board Directors while Board members, after selection derived from the Strategic Plan, are approved by Management Committee on the advice of the Director and the relevant Vice President.

Annual Plan

A plan which stipulates how the ACS is to meet the goals and objectives of the overall Strategic Plan each year. It is formulated by the CEO and President with additional input as required (e.g., from Congress) and formally approved by Management Committee. It covers priorities, tactics and measures/targets and is the basis for organisational KPIs.

Associations Incorporation Act (ACT)

The associations laws provide for the registration of associations engaged in small-scale, non-profit and non-commercial activities and to provide for corporate governance and financial accountability of associations registered under the legislation. See

Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC)

The ACS is a registered charity and hence comes under the jurisdiction of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). See

Branch Executive Committee (BEC)

In relation to a Branch, means the committee that controls and manages the Branch constituted under the National Regulations. (NR8)

Chair (Branch Executive Committee)

The Chair is a Branch Office Bearer who sets the agenda and acts as the Chair of the Branch Executive Committee and Branch general meetings. They are the public face of the Branch, representing the membership.

Chair (Immediate Past)

This appointment runs from the end of his or her term of office as Chair to the end of the term of office of the next Chair.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Management Committee and is delegated the day-to-day management of the Society. The CEO is responsible for the implementation of the Society's strategic goals and objectives. The CEO is a voting member of the Management Committee and reports to the Management Committee through the President.

Code of Ethics

The ACS Code of Ethics is part of the Society’s National Regulations and highlights the six key values all members are expected to abide by as an ICT professional regardless of their role or specific area of expertise in the ICT industry.  (NR4)

Code of Professional Conduct

The Code of Professional Conduct contains the six core ethical values and intended as a guideline to illustrate what constitutes professional behaviour with regard to each of these values. The Society requires its members to abide by these values, and act with responsibility and integrity in all of their professional dealings.

Committee (ex BECs)

A group established by the Management Committee for any purpose consistent with the Objects, Rules or National Regulations, and which may consist of members or members and non-members. (R11.1.1)

Company Secretary

The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring the smooth administration of the ACS. Their role is to ensure compliance with corporate governance and other financial and legal regulations, and where required, provide strategic advice to the CEO and Management Committee.


Congress is the electoral college for the Society and comprises the National Office Bearers, Board Directors, the Congressional Representatives, the Chief Executive Officer and co-opted members (if any). Congress provides advice to Management Committee on strategic planning and other matters for the benefit of the Society. (R8)

Constitutional documents

ACS Objects, Rules and National Regulations


See Committee.

Ex-Officio National Office Bearers

The President elect and Immediate Past President.

Director (Executive)

A member of the ACS Executive Team.

Director (Non-executive)

Directors of ACS Boards are elected by Congress to chair that Board. Board directors are members of the ACS Congress. (R8.4.2)

Elected Official

A volunteer position elected by the respective Branch or appointed by Management Committee. Elected Officials are required to represent the view and interests of ACS members and the wider digital community to the ACS.

Executive Team

The Executive Team comprises the Directors (Executive) and provides both strategic and operational leadership to the organisation. They set goals, develop strategies, and ensure the strategies are executed effectively.

Guidelines for Membership

The Guidelines for Membership outline the ACS membership grades and criteria for eligibility.

Management Committee

Controls and manages the Society within bounds set by the Associations Incorporation Act, the Society's Objects, Rules and National Regulations, and in accordance with any policy and direction set for the ACS by Congress.

Its role is similar to that of a company board and is ultimately accountable for all Society matters with responsibility to ensure that the management of the Society meets the needs of the Society. The ACS Management Committee consists of the National Office Bearers, the National Congressional Representatives (4) and Chief Executive Officer. (R10.1/2)


The ACS is made up of members of varying grades who join a Branch of the Society. An ICT practitioner can be appointed a Member of the ACS if the applicant satisfies the relevant criteria set out in the National Regulations and Guidelines for Membership. (NR2.2.3)

National Congressional Representative

National Congressional Representatives are elected by Congress from the Branches to assume seats on the Management Committee.

National Office Bearers

National Office Bearers of the Society are the President, Immediate Past President (ex officio), President Elect (ex officio), Vice Presidents (3) and National Treasurer. (R8.3.1)

National Regulations

The National Regulations define the operations, definitions and constraints under which the Society functions.

National Special Interest Group (SIG)

A group established by the Management Committee for any purpose consistent with the Objects, Rules or National Regulations, and which may consist of members or members and non-members. (R11.1.1, NR9)


The Objects state the purpose and range of activities of the Society.


The President is a National Office Bearer who sets the agenda and acts as the Chair of the Management Committee, Congress and general meetings of the Society. They are the public face of the organisation, representing the membership.

President (Immediate Past)

This appointment runs from the end of his or her term of office as President to the end of the term of office of the next President.

Professional Division

Fellows, Senior Members and Members (excluding members classified into the special categories of Honorary Fellow and Honorary Member unless the Honorary Member was a member before classification as an Honorary Member) comprise Professional Division. (NR2.1.2)

Returning Officer

The Returning Officer is responsible for conducting the election of the Branch Executive Committee of the appointing Branch in accordance with the Rules and National Regulations. (NR8.3.5)

ACS Rules

The Rules define the operations, definitions and constraints under which the Society functions.


The Secretariat is the employed staff/contractors who manage the administration and business operation of the Society. The Secretariat is the main contact point for boards/committees to engage the resources of the ACS.

Secretary (Branch Honorary)

The Branch Honorary Secretary is responsible for making and keeping minutes of all meetings of Branch Executive Committee and Branch general meetings, and forwarding all notices relating to Branch matters to Branch members as required by the Rules or National Regulations. (NR8.3.2)

Special Interest Group (SIG)

Branch Executive Committees may establish Branch SIGs for similar reasons to that of a National Special Interest Group, but in particular to support networking among Branch members and knowledge exchange.

Strategic Plan

The ACS operates on a five-year strategic plan cycle. Congress is invited and encouraged to participate in the development of the plan which is formally approved by Management Committee.


A group established by a Branch Executive Committee for any purpose consistent with the Objects, Rules and National Regulations. A sub-committee consists of members or members and non‐members that the Branch Executive Committee invites to participate.


A subscriber is a person who is not a member of the ACS, however through a program with their employer, has access to the digital assets of the ACS.


A group established by an ACS Committee for a specific duration and purpose consistent with the Committee’s annual plan. Taskforces must be approved by Management Committee.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Terms of Reference define the purpose and structures of a project, committee, meeting, negotiation, or any similar collection of people who have agreed to work together to accomplish a shared goal.

Treasurer (Branch Honorary)

The Branch Honorary Treasurer is responsible for providing oversite and guidance to the Branch for matters relating to business and financial management of the Branch. (NR10.2.4)

Treasurer (National)

The Treasurer is responsible for providing oversite and guidance to the Society. The position is accountable to Management Committee for all matters relating to the business and financial management of the Society, including financial policies, the reporting of financial performance and budgeting.

Vice Chair

Vice-Chairs may be elected or appointed to Committees to support the Chair. Where the Chair is reasonably unavailable, Vice-Chairs assume the responsibilities of the Chair. (Common ToR, section 5.8).

Vice President (Academic)

The Vice-President (Academic) is a National Office Bearer who acts as the liaison between the Technical Advisory Board, its Committees and the Management Committee and provide advice to the Management Committee on matters relating to the activities of its Board and Committees.

Vice President (Communities)

The Vice-President (Communities) is a National Office Bearer who acts as the liaison between the Membership Advisory Board, its Committees and the Management Committee and provide advice to the Management Committee on matters relating to the activities of its Board and Committees.

Vice President (Membership)

The Vice-President (Membership) is a National Office Bearer who acts as the liaison between the Professional Standards Board, its Committees and the Management Committee and provide advice to the Management Committee on matters relating to the activities of its Board and Committees.

Working Group

A group established to discuss and assist with projects and matters relating to the work of the ACS Boards or Committees. Working Groups may be formed on an ad-hoc basis and may function without approval or endorsement by the Management Committee. Participants are not required to be Elected Officials.