Using mySFIA, we assess the skills and competencies of each member of your tech team to establish a baseline against which you can plan future professional development.
Armed with a skills profile of an individual’s competencies, you can plan a skills and knowledge pathway to higher attainment and professionalism. mySFIA integrates with ACS Skillsoft to suggest development pathways.
With access to the most comprehensive tech career support in Australia, including unlimited use of ACS Skillsoft, our online learning platform, you can grow the skills and knowledge of your team against the plan created for them.
mySFIA integrates with ACS SFIA Digital Badges to validate and recognise an individual’s achievements as they grow their skills and competencies, creating a positive culture of success.
mySFIA is a central component of ACS Workforce Development, part of the ACS Professional Partner Program, which offers corporate membership at a discounted rate.
SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age) is the world’s leading skills framework used by organisations in over 195 countries. At both the individual and organisational level, SFIA provides a tool for identifying skills and developing plans to achieve future skills requirements for professionals in information and communication technologies (ICT), software engineering and digital transformation roles.
SFIA 9 is the latest skills benchmark released by the SFIA Foundation. SFIA 9 includes more skills than ever before, expanding the framework to better reflect today’s technology and digital roles.
An SFIA self-assessment is the process of assessing and recording skills and competencies. Self-assessment compares an individual’s work experience against the relevant SFIA components. As well as being of personal value to individuals, a self-assessment is typically the first step towards other assessments such as ACS Digital Badges.
mySFIA is built on SFIA 9, the latest skills benchmark released by the SFIA Foundation, and suggests learning pathways to enhance an individual’s skills and competencies through integration with ACS Skillsoft.
A skills profile produced through mySFIA is a structured summary of an individual’s or team's skills, competencies and experience aligned with the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA). SFIA is an internationally recognised framework that categorises IT and digital skills across multiple domains and levels, helping individuals and organisations assess, plan, develop and recognise their capabilities effectively.
ACS is Australia’s leading provider of SFIA-endorsed and verifiable digital credentials. ACS has been an official SFIA partner since 2009 and is licensed to utilise the skills framework to support the digital community in Australia.