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*Last Chance* 5th Annual Dennis Moore Oration Dinner - Autonomous Mining:What's Next?

Thursday, 22 Sep 2016

The Dennis Moore Distinguished Oration is an annual event dedicated to presenting the latest on computing. It was established in 2012 on the 50th anniversary of the installation of the first computer at UWA in 1962 by Dennis Moore AM.

Dennis Moore had an influential career in computing for Western Australia. He was first chairman of the WA Computer Society, the Director of the very first computing centre in WA, an executive director of Government Computing, and then appointed foundation Head of School of Computing at Curtin University of Technology in 1987. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia for services to information technology in 1997.

The Dennis Moore Oration is held each year with a distinguished speaker on a topic supported by leading edge research. 

5th Annual Dennis Moore Oration Dinner - "Autonomous Mining: What's Next?"

Andy Each year, the Australian Computer Society (ACS) presents leading edge orations by world class speakers.  This year our guest speaker is Dr Adrian Boeing, Automation Manager, Atlas Copco; Visiting Academic at Edith Cowan University and The University of Western Australia.  Dr Boeing’s Oration title is “Autonomous Mining:  What’s Next?”

The oration will examine the recent advances in autonomous mining.  Australian mining companies and the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services sector has made great progress in this field helping Australia lead the world.  But what can we expect next?  Where is mining technology heading next, and what implications will this have for the next industrial revolution, consumer autonomous vehicles and broader society?

In addition, the winner of the prestigious 1962 Prize, sponsored by Dennis Moore, will be announced.

You are invited to join us at this distinguished event:

Date: Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Time: 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start to 10.00pm

Venue: University Club, Hackett Drive, Crawley, WA

Dress: Black Tie / Lounge Suit / Evening Dress

Cost: Individual seats $110; Tables of 8 $880 (inclusive of GST)

Tickets: Click Here