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The first ACS CoderDojo Southbank a huge success!

Thursday, 25 Aug 2016

On Thursday 18 August, ACS Victoria ran the first CoderDojo Southbank. Involving a group of 20 ACS Victoria members, parents and their children, the session began at 4:30pm sharp and children were shown how to use Scratch, a program that teaches the basics of how to code.

Our 'coding-ninjas' created mini movies and dance routines for their characters.

ACS Victoria would like to thank the volunteers who helped out on the evening. Without them, it would be impossible to run this initiative.

The next CoderDojo will be held on 1 September, 2016. The sessions will be run on a fortnightly basis (except for school holidays) and anyone aged 7-17 are welcome to register!

To register for an upcoming CoderDogo, please click here. Only 15 spots are available at each session so make sure you secure your position today!

To express your interest in volunteering, please contact

If you would like to learn more about the CoderDojo program, you can find more information on the CoderDojo website or by contacting

CoderDojo SouthbankCoderDojo Southbank