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Beyond Binary: Quantum capabilities in Australia and Sydney - Tuesday 25 October

Wednesday, 12 Oct 2016

Quantum computing is being hailed as the holy grail of 21st century computing and one of the greatest challenges in 21st century physics. Although the hurdles are significant, academia, industry and a small, but growing, community of start-ups are showing remarkable progress.

Australia is seen as a global powerhouse in research and development in quantum computing with early investments by IBM, Microsoft and Lockheed Martin. The opportunity for Australia to drive foreign investment home and build value domestically is real.

In the Beyond Binary panel, we aim to investigate the capability, opportunity and funding for and from quantum computing in Australia, and to celebrate the research and development success of our universities, industry partners and startups.

This Professor John Makepeace Bennett Memorial Event is presented by the Warren Centre and ACS.  Register via The Warren Centre.