60 seconds with Fiona Teakle
Thursday, 21 Jan 2016
Thursday, 21 Jan 2016
1. State your name and where you work.
My name is Fiona Teakle and I work at IBM Australia. At ACS, I am the National Director of Young IT and a member of the Victorian Branch Executive Committee.
2. How long have you been in IT?
I started as an intern in 2007 and Graduated in 2010.
3. Why do you love working in IT?
I love the people I get to work with and the challenges that we get to solve.
4. What do you see are the challenges in IT?
Encouraging younger people to enter the industry and understand what a career in IT could be.
5. Do you have any inspiring words of wisdom for young people wanting to work in IT?
Don’t give up, be willing to learn and work in roles you may not enjoy in order to get to where you want to go.
6. What is your hope for the IT industry?
That we can continue to solve world problems with the use and further development of technology.
7. Why would you encourage others to become more involved in ACS?
The ACS has helped me build a professional network and a greater understanding of the industry and challenges facing it from the start of my career. Becoming involved in ACS will give you the opportunity to give back and help further the profession we work in.