Would you like the opportunity to help influence the Victorian ICT Profession?
ACS Victoria encourages all members who believe they can make a positive contribution to the ACS via the Victorian Branch Executive Committee (BEC) to submit their nominations.
Nominations are called for the ten positions of:
Branch Office Bearers:
- Chair – 2-year term
- Vice Chair – 1-year term
- Honorary Treasurer – 2-year term
- Honorary Secretary – 1-year term
Ordinary Committee:
- Ordinary Committee Member (3 positions) – 2-year term
- Ordinary Committee Member (3 positions) – 1-year term
as the terms of the incumbents expire on the 31 December 2020.
Terms of Positions:
The two-year terms commence 1 January 2021, ending 31 December 2022; and the one-year terms commence 1 January 2021, ending 31 December 2021.
The three Ordinary Committee Members who receive the highest amount of votes will automatically be elected for a two-year term. The following three will be elected for a one-year term.
Members should be aware that the Society is still in the process of conducting a Governance Review and that the review may result in the position for which you are nominating ceasing to exist, and the appointment being terminated as a result of the Review.
Members and Associate Members of ACS Victoria are eligible to nominate for positions on the ACS Victoria BEC. For a nomination to be valid it must show the name, membership number and grade of an eligible candidate, be signed by the candidate as evidence of willingness to accept the nomination and be signed by another member of ACS Victoria Branch as proposer.
Only members of Professional Division are eligible for election or appointment as Branch Office Bearer positions. Associate Members are not eligible for Branch Office Bearer positions. At least one half of the Ordinary Committee Members of a Branch Executive Committee must be members of Professional Division - a Fellow (FACS), a Senior Member (MACS Snr) and a Member (MACS).
Further information can be located in the ACS National Regulations.
How to Nominate:
The ACS Victoria Branch BEC 2021 Nomination Form, which includes eligibility and selection criteria, and information on the roles can be accessed via the attachments in this email.
Nominations must be on the approved BEC 2021 nomination form and emailed to the ACS Victoria Returning Officer at VIC.Returning.Officer@acs.org.au, along with a passport-sized photo of yourself for use in the election and a biography (maximum 200 words).
All nominations must include the completed/signed:
Opening Date:
The call for nominations opened Wednesday 14th October 2020.
Closing Date:
Nominations will close at 5.00pm (AEDT) on Wednesday 28 October 2020.
No late nominations will be accepted.
If there are more nominations than positions, a ballot will be held to determine the successful nominees.
If you would like more information about the nomination or election processes, please contact the ACS Victoria Returning Officer at VIC.Returning.Officer@acs.org.au.
Kind Regards,
T'arne Whelan
ACS Victoria Branch Returning Officer