ACS is undertaking a process of developing a new constitution. Our existing constitution was developed over 50 years ago and we have outgrown it.
The new constitution should be designed to serve the membership for an extended period into the future. To achieve this, it is vital that existing members, potential members and other stakeholders are consulted from the very beginning of this process.
You are being invited to offer your views and comments on this, the first stage of the process.
This initial discussion concerns only the principles that should guide the design of the new constitution.
To assist you to do this the Constitutional Reform Working Group (CRWG) appointed by the ACS Congress, has compiled 14 questions and is asking you to respond to these. These cover basic but important matters such as:
· Should the ACS continue to be a professional society?
· Are the ACS Mission and Purposes still relevant?
· What should be the ACS key functions?
· What grades of membership should the ACS have?
· Should ACS branches continue to have primary responsibility for activities within their geographical area?
The easiest way to respond is to contribute to the Online Forum. However you can also participate in events or submit your own response separately. By logging into the Online Forum you will also be able to access three documents and one video which explain the background in greater depth.
Please contribute and have your say! The closing date for responses is 31st October 2021