ACS congratulates Daniel Andrews on election victory
ACS congratulates Daniel Andrews on election victory
1 December 2014: The Australian Computer Society (ACS) today congratulated Premier-elect Daniel Andrews and his team on their victory in the Victorian state election.
Chairman of the ACS in Victoria, Michelle Beveridge, said in a statement made before the election: "We believe an incoming Victorian Government needs to address five issues as a priority to help ensure the Victorian economy remains nationally and internationally competitive and grows in a sustainable manner. As the impact of technology on our work and lives continues to increase, our Governments must place a higher priority on digital literacy and, in particular, growing our pool of skilled professionals. The digital professional workforce is now being recognised globally as the key ingredient to sustaining a prosperous, modern economy.
Ms Beveridge added: "We congratulate Mr Andrews on his victory, and are looking forward to working closely with the new Government on the five areas we believe are crucial to building Victoria into Australia's foremost digital economy.
The five core areas which the ACS has highlighted as critical to developing a strong digital economy are:
1. Quality Advice to Government: ACS Victoria proposes a Digital Ministerial Advisory Council and an industry and government exchange program for key staff to develop better mutual understanding of challenges and opportunities in the digital area.
2. Support for Digital Skills: ACS is calling for urgent action to reverse the declining trend of people choosing tertiary education for a Digital Career. The ACS recommends a need to change misconceptions and attitudes around digital careers and education along with support for initiatives such as minimum required standards, certification and ongoing professional development for digital employment, support for compulsory Digital Technologies curriculum from prep to Year 10, targeted professional development of teachers in ICT and digital technologies, and ongoing support for the Digital Careers program aimed at inspiring students to pursue careers as digital professionals.
3. Improve Digital Literacy: ACS urges Government support for programs to develop far higher levels of digital literacy for SME's and NFP's in particular.
4. Better Data on the Digital Economy: Accurate, relevant and comprehensive data is a critical element of planning and decision making. The ACS is calling for ongoing Government support for the ACS annual statistical compendium as the source of key data for the digital future along with advocating for a comprehensive review of the Australian Bureau of Statistics current digital data categories and methods which are in many areas out of date.
5. Open Data: Governments around the world are committing to open data. Whilst acknowledging the increasing commitment and effort to date from Victoria, the ACS is calling for a holistic commitment from both State and Federal Governments to open data without boundaries as an arm of an innovation agenda and promoting Victoria as a leading knowledge economy.
Media Contacts
Laura Douglas / / 02 9492 1002 / 0452 505 859
Ernest Stabek / / 0418 543122
About the Australian Computer Society
The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is the professional association for Australia's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. Over 20,000 ACS members work in business, education, government and the community. The Society exists to create the environment and provide the opportunities for members and partners to succeed. The ACS strives for ICT professionals to be recognised as drivers of innovation in our society, relevant across all sectors, and to promote the formulation of effective policies on ICT and related matters. Visit for more information.