ACS Women and Microsoft invite ACS members and guests to: Speak No Evil - A panel discussion around the words we choose to define our world
Wednesday, 27 Apr 2016
Wednesday, 27 Apr 2016
Join us at Microsoft to have a spirited discussion about the words we choose and the meaning we give them.
Take a really close look at the words you hear on the radio or TV, or read in the newspaper or online. Have you noticed how a lot of words that are about finding parity for disadvantaged groups have been hijacked and made to look like they are a bad thing?
“I’m not a feminist because I didn’t know it just meant believing in gender equality.”
Or perhaps they just diminish the person or crime they are describing, so it doesn’t seem like it’s such a big deal.
Come over and join the conversation with our regular panelists: Empress Ming Johanson (Ruler of the Marketing Universe), Nerida Mills (Leadership authority), Katrina Chapman (Academic Researcher) and token male – Marcus (@gentlemantech) Holmes
Hosted and SUPPORTED BY:
MicrosoftWhen: Tuesday 7th June / 5:30pm
Where: Microsoft, Level 3, 100 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000