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Tips on how to prepare your presentation in 5 minutes

Wednesday, 06 Jul 2016

Acknowledgment: This article is adapted from LinkedIn - "Want to know a quick way to prepare your next presentation" by the Author Mark Kyte:


For some people the stress of preparing a presentation can be intense. Trying to find the right message, what to say, and how to say it can cause sleepless nights. It needn’t be that way. A well-structured and impactful presentation can be created in a few minutes. The key is to use a proven framework that allows you to simply “plug and play”.

Within five minutes is entirely possible to identify the key material that you will discuss in a presentation and be comfortable to the level that you could stand up and deliver a simple speech to any audience.

Here are five steps suggested by Mark Kyte that will enable you to quickly assemble your ideas for your presentation in a logical manner that can be understood by your audience.
Minute 1 – Identify your key message
The vital first step is to identify what the main message or theme of your speech will be. This is crucial as it will allow you to select the right ideas and examples to lead your audience where you want their thinking to be. The message needs to be relevant to your audience and provide value for them. This is often a challenging step as you need to consider who your audience members will be, what their understanding and concerns are, and what you are trying to achieve with your presentation.

Minute 2 – Pick your three key points
After you have identified the key message you want to convey to your audience you need to brainstorm what are the key points or arguments that will support the message and help move their thinking in the direction you want s you can achieve your presentation goals.

Minute 3 – Select the supporting material that will help you prove your key points
After picking two or three key arguments you now need to find the material that will prove each of your key points/arguments. Look for facts, statistics, or stories that will aid you in proving each point you are sharing with your audience.
Minute 4 – Prepare your closing statements with the call to action
The conclusion is really simple. But, you need to know what you want your audience to as a result of your presentation. The end of your presentation should simply be a restatement of the key points you discussed in the body of your presentation and then ask them to do what you wha them to next.
Minute 5 – Prepare your attention grabbing opening
At the very end of the process we now sit down and write the words that you will use to start your presentation. Your opening needs to be attention grabbing and set, in the minds of your audience, the direction you will be taking them. An easy way to achieve this is to tell them the key points that you will be covering in your presentation.

In five short minutes you have prepared a compelling and professional presentation with  a minimum of stress and anxiety. Using the structure and process outlined will enable you to develop a compelling and cohesive presentation that has a logical flow that will enable your audience to follow you ideas and thought process.

Come and join other like-minded people to develop these important presentation skills.

When:                1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 18:00
Where:               @ Mantra on Northbourne Hotel Canberra
Contact:             +612 6143 5503 or

If you are w Wondering what it’s like to attend a typical Toastmasters meeting? Pay a “virtual visit” to the Bright and Early Toastmasters club. This video will help you better understand what happens during a meeting and how the experience can benefit you.

About ACS Canberra Toastmasters Club
The ACS Canberra Toastmasters Club is a self-learning, personal development and communication educational program. The ACS Canberra Toastmasters Club was officially chartered on 29 November 2010.

Club Mission
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

To help members to improve their presentation, public speaking, communication and leadership skills in a fun supportive environment

Why join ACS Toastmasters Club?
Because this club is supported by ACS ICT professionals to help its members to improve their soft skills development:

* Have a structured meeting agenda
* Meeting always conducted on time
* Centre location for meetings (City)
* Convenient meeting date & time (evening)
* Club members are energetic, enthusiasm, supportive and friendly
* Is a good place to practice your speeches and leadership skills
* Have fun educational session
* Club has a diversity culture (mix of young and mutual age)