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DigiCon 2016 the Festival of Learning leaves delegates enthused

Thursday, 21 Jul 2016

ACS Victoria were thrilled to be part of DigiCon 2016 at Swinburne University this week.  The Digital Festival gave the audience opportunities for delegates to come together with like-minded educators to share, learn, create and collaborate in the area of digital learning and teaching. The festival allowed enthusiastic, passionate and inspiring educators to learn from each other. We met some dedicated teachers who are eager to make sure ensure their students have access to the latest technology and tools to help them with their studies.

In our recent ACS federal election manifesto, we highlighted this issue and spoke about the information age and how it is driving a significant change in the type and the mix of skills now being demanded by employers. ICT skills and general digital literacy skills are becoming essential and paramount.

We recognize that these fundamental changes in the type and mix of skills now being demanded by employers have significant implications in two key policy areas: 1. Our education systems – ensuring our young people have the skills and competencies for the workforce of the future; and 2. Our workforce planning and training systems – ensuring the current workforce has the digital skills and competencies required.

To view our recent manifesto please click here.