IWD2016 - The Pledge for Parity
Tuesday, 08 Mar 2016
Tuesday, 08 Mar 2016
In 2016 the theme of International Women's Day is the Pledge for Parity. We know from our own research that women make up only 28% of the ICT workforce, and the gender pay gap still stands at an alarming, and unacceptable, 20%. This year, we are encouraging our members to take the pledge for parity, and help bring parity not just to the ICT profession, but to women across the globe.
To take the pledge for parity, you can visit http://www.internationalwomensday.com/Pledge and add your voice to the movement for change.
In December 2015, the ACS released The Promise of Diversity - a flagship report identifying the benefits of increasing female participation in the ICT workforce and across the economy. You can read the report and findings here and you can view a series of videos entitled ACS Women in ICT by clicking here.
The ACS is committed to improving gender diversity throughout the profession, and we are grateful to the ACS-W Board who continue to raise the profile of women in ICT and help them grow their careers in the profession. Their work is crucial as we drive change in the profession and the economy. In 2016, we will work harder than ever before to make parity a reality.