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International Women’s Day 2016 #PledgeForParity

Tuesday, 08 Mar 2016

Message from the ACS President on International Women’s Day 2016 from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Board Meeting, Tokyo, Japan

On behalf of the ACS I would like to wish all our female members a happy International Women’s Day for 2016. We are lucky to have amongst our membership, a significant number of women in the ICT sector. These women work tirelessly to advance the cause of women in ICT, business and academia and their efforts do not go unnoticed.

The theme of International Women’s Day for 2016 is the Pledge for Parity, and I encourage all our members to take a moment to reflect about what this means for them, their organisation, employees and their colleagues, and how we can work together with our all our stakeholders and our sister societies globally in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) to help women and girls achieve their ambitions, call for gender-balanced leadership, respect and value difference, develop more inclusive and flexible cultures and root out workplace bias. Each of us can be a leader within our own spheres of influence and commit to support women to contribute to social, economic, cultural and political achievement in our profession, the economy and our community. I would also encourage you to take a moment to visit and add your name to the pledge for parity.