Book Now To Attend The ACS WA State Conference 2016
Wednesday, 06 Apr 2016
Wednesday, 06 Apr 2016
Each year the ACS in Western Australia hosts a conference to assist professional development of its members. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn new ideas and mix with professional peers. The conference is open to all industry and academic participants.
The object of the conference is to provide a forum that will allow ICT professionals to listen to the leaders in Western Australia and also participate in networking throughout the day. The Conference also offers the opportunity to gain continuing professional development points for Certified Professionals and Certified Technicians.
This year’s conference draws together a varied set of topics of relevance to the the wider ICT community including:
Panel Discussion: The Social Impacts of Technology: Good or Evil?
A panel of experts will join the conference to discuss the impacts of technology and look into its positive and negative implications in society. More information to come.
To Register for the Conference, click HERE.
Sponsorship of the ACS WA conference can provide an organisation with many benefits. Members of the ACS are widespread in the industry and hold many positions in the ICT landscape.
Sponsors of the conference have a fantastic opportunity to promote their business. We will promote the sponsors before, during and after the conference. Sponsors will also gain consistent exposure throughout the year with recognition at all of the ACS Monthly Forums for 2016.