60 seconds with Marcus Wigan, ACS Victoria Public Policy Committee member
Thursday, 14 Apr 2016
Thursday, 14 Apr 2016
Who do you work for and what do you do there?
I currently work as a Research Assistant at Monash on a seeding grant project I’ve just won on hearing aids and music.
How long have you been in IT, and where did you start?
I started in 1961 at Oxford University, Computing Laboratory Ferranti Mercury.
Why do you love working in IT?
It’s part of life!
Why did you join the Public Policy committee?
To assist ACS in getting better engaged in broader issues where there is a lot to contribute.
Where do you most see a need for policy and change in IT?
Better engagement with other forms of information processing as the ‘Internet of Things’ grows alongside the social impact.
What do you think it will take for progression in the IT sector?
Better education and a different view on IT ethics.
Do you have any inspiring words of wisdom for others wanting to work in IT?
Be adaptable, talk to clients and most important LISTEN!
What is your hope for the IT industry?
That it stops being seen only as a mouthpiece of large companies and government.
Why would you encourage others to become more involved in ACS?
ACS provides a great source of mentoring and networking in ICT, should you choose to use it!