ACS Young IT Surfcat Social Event, Sponsored by NIT Australia
Friday, 17 Feb 2017
Friday, 17 Feb 2017
ACS Young IT and NIT Australia invite all young ICT Professionals to attend our ACS Young IT Surf Cat Social.
Funcats are easy to use sailboats, no experience needed. Wear clothes you are happy to get wet in, and have a great attitude! We teach you everything you need to know on the day, so come along to have some fun.
Held on the South Perth Foreshore at the end of Coode Street, we welcome you to join us. We are providing lunch and great company for a few hours on Saturday.
The event is on Saturday, 11th of March from 11am to 2pm. The event is free of charge for all attendees, thanks to sponsorship by NIT Australia.
Attending this event is a great way to start your year. Meeting other members of Perth's ICT Community is the best way to succeed in your future. Build the foundation of a solid network and take part in your professional society.
Register on the ACS website now!
Date: Saturday 11th March 2017
Time: 10:00AM - 2PM
Coode Street Jetty, Coode St
South Perth WA