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Industry Insights: Frameworks and Controls for Data Sharing [VIRTUAL]

Join us for the launch of the data sharing publications which represent a culmination of previous works/publication lead by Ian Oppermann over the past several years. This event will also be attended by Minister Dominello as a thank you for his term in office whilst supporting the work of the ACS.

CPD Hours: 1
Skills Level: Organisational capability development (OCDV) -> Level 6

About this event

This event is intended for leaders and professionals.

ACS Frameworks and Controls for Data Sharing

The fifth and final report of a ground-breaking series on data sharing, the ACS report Frameworks and Controls for Data Sharing brings them all together, providing a final set of solutions for businesses and governments struggling to address the critical issue of shared data. It identifies the key controls and methods to ensure that data is treated appropriately along its lifecycle, preserving the privacy of individuals whose data is contained within while ensuring maximum possible value from data sharing practices. For organisations looking to get to get the greatest value out of their data – and to minimise the risks of data breaches – it is a must-read.

Data and the Digital Self: What the 21st Century Needs

A series of essays by some of the leading minds on data sharing and privacy in Australia, this book takes a look at some of the critical data-related issues facing Australia today and tomorrow. It looks at digital identity and privacy in the 21st century; at privacy laws and what they need to look like to be effective in the era of big data; at how businesses and governments can work better to build trust in this new era; and at how we need to look beyond just privacy and personal information as we develop solutions over the coming decades.

Key Takeaways
•    Key controls and methods to ensure that data is treated appropriately along its lifecycle,
•    preserving the privacy of individuals whose data is contained within while ensuring maximum possible value from data sharing practices.
•    Critical data-related issues facing Australia today and tomorrow, 
•    Digital identity and privacy in the 21st century; 
•    Privacy laws and what they need to look like to be effective in the era of big data; 
•    How businesses and governments can work better to build trust in this new era

- The Hon. Victor Dominello, NSW Government Minister for Customer Service
- Lyria Bennet-Moses, Director at Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation
- Professor Kimberlee Weatherall AACS, Chair of the ACS Artificial Intelligence Ethics Committee and Professor at University of Sydney Law School
- Dr Ian Oppermann FACS CP, NSW Chief Data Scientist and Industry Professor at UTS


The Hon Victor Dominello
Lyria Bennett Moses
Kimberlee Weatherall
Ian Oppermann