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ACS Tech Summit 2024

The 3rd Annual ACS Tech Summit sees the brightest tech minds unite for a day of invaluable networking and professional development.

Event Start: Fri 31 May 08:00 AM AEST
Event Finish: Fri 31 May 06:30 PM AEST


Registration End Date: Thu 30 May 11:00 AM

<p>The 3rd Annual ACS Tech Summit sees the brightest tech minds unite for a day of invaluable networking and professional development. Featuring learning streams designed for tech leaders and professionals along with a tech mastery learning stream, the program offers a blend of sessions tackling cyber security strategy development, IT leadership, team and budget management essentials, psychologically safe tech workplaces and additionally, deeper-dive workshops on applied business analytics and generative AI for enterprise.</p> <p>The program also delves into opportunities and challenges for the tech sector in Brisbane, and across regional Queensland, and we are delighted to welcome a range of Ministerial representatives from State and Federal government to speak on the live issues impacting ACS members. The Tech Summit program is offered at significantly-reduced ACS member rates, as part of the core value of ACS membership and in support of our mission to power Australia’s technology brilliance.</p> <p>See below for the current program, with more speakers to be announced.</p> <p><strong>See detailed program</strong> -<strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a><br><br>See speaker line-up - <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a></strong></p> <p>ACS Queensland Tech Summit 2024 brings together the brightest minds in tech for a day of invaluable networking and professional development. See you there!<br><br>For online registration enquiries, please email <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <br><strong>Testimonial from ACS QLD Tech Summit 2023:</strong><br><em>&quot;An incredible experience at Tech Summit 2023, and I’m still buzzing with inspiration! This event surpassed all expectations, bringing together industry visionaries, tech enthusiasts, and forward-thinking companies under one roof.<br><br>The summit offered a diverse range of sessions and workshops, each providing unique insights into the latest technological advancements and emerging trends. From exploring the potential of artificial intelligence to diving into the world of cybersecurity and beyond.</em><br><br><em>&quot;To all my fellow tech enthusiasts, I urge you to mark your calendars for the next Qld Tech Summit. The opportunities for learning, networking, and growth are unparalleled. Let’s continue to push the boundaries, embrace diversity, and collectively shape a future where technology drives positive change&quot; </em>Johnny Serrano, Head of ICT, Thiess<br><br><strong>Proudly sponsored by: <br><br>Platinum sponsor<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1675035235000"></img></a><br><br>Gold sponsors<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1704697974000"></img></a></strong><br><br><img src=""></img><br><strong>Session sponsor<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1705308927000"></img></a><br><br><br>Summit supporter</strong><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1704695083000"></img></a>

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Jamie Wilson

Jamie Wilson

Founder and Executive Chairman, Cryptoloc

Cryptoloc is a vault in the cloud that integrates everyday online business file management and security into one solution. But here's the game-changer – while others promise privacy, Cryptoloc guarantees it. Their unique zero-knowledge tech ensures that your data remains unreadable to Cryptoloc, to the cloud, and to any entity that stands in between. Your data stays exclusively yours, even with the full power of cloud collaboration and storage. It's not just about being secure; it's about being untouchable. Privacy is not just a policy, it's engineered into Cryptoloc’s foundation. Your data, your rules.

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Daniel Ramos

Daniel Ramos

General Manager, Solutions Delivery and Operations, Consumer Data Right Division, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Daniel is a seasoned technologist specialising in leading the delivery of complex digital transformation programs in the Australian Public Service. As the General Manager of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission's Consumer Data Right and Digital Identity programs, Daniel is responsible for the delivery, operation, and integration of modern technology assets empowering consumers to control their data held by organizations. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Information Technology majoring in Cyber Security and Networks, as well as a Master of I.T. Project Management.

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Tim Coventry

Tim Coventry

Chief Executive Officer, Business Analysis (BAPL)

Tim is the CEO for Business Analysis (BAPL) - a specialist business analysis company offering business analysis as a service to ASX listed & private companies, government and not for profit organisations. BAPL is the largest specialist business analysis consultancy in the Southern hemisphere. We are an outcome-based service organisation who is software and discipline agnostic.

With over 25 years’ experience and a strong contribution to business analysis across the globe, Tim is an acknowledged expert in his professional field.

Tim has expertise waterfall, Agile and product ownership with substantial practical experience from strategic analysis to delivery. He holds a Bachelor of Education, Workplace Category IV Trainer and Assessor Certificate, and is a Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP).

Tim has presented at the BA World Symposiums in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, Building Business Capability in 2013, 2014 and 2023, PMI EMEA Global Congress 2015, PMI Virtual Conference 2016, IIBA Australia Chapter BA Professional Day 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022 participates regularly in International Institute for Business Analysis (IIBA®) forums.

With a strong background in education and assessment Tim has a keen interest in business analysis competency models, is an author of the IIBA® Competency Model, expert reviewer of the IIBA & Agile Alliance Agile Extension, IIBA Product Ownership guide and is a past IIBA® Australia Chapter President. He is married with 3 children & enjoys cycling & drinking wine usually in that order!

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Neil Templeman

Neil Templeman

Chief Executive Officer, Sovtech Pty Ltd

A seasoned professional in the cybersecurity industry with a strong focus on making a positive social impact. As an investor, advisor, and executive, Neil brings a wealth of experience to the table. Currently, he leads Sovtech, a dynamic business at the forefront of converging cybersecurity innovation and social impact.

During a 15 + year tenure in Cyber Security Neil has been fortunate to operate at the highest levels of Federal Government and the private sector holding relationships with companies such as Wesfarmers, Rio Tinto and Qantas.

Sovtech is not just about cybersecurity; We believe in harnessing the power of cutting-edge sovereign technology while ensuring it serves the greater good.

In his journey, he co-founded and owned Baidam Solutions, where he played a key role in shaping the company's growth and success. His commitment to leveraging technology to drive social outcomes has been a driving force throughout his career.

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Eleni Dracakis

Eleni Dracakis

Business Psychologist 

Eleni Dracakis is a Brisbane-based Business Psychologist helping high-performing leaders go from good to great. Eleni has been mastering mindsets and driving peak performance of corporate and business leaders since 2018, which in turn raises revenue and competitive advantage in an ethical and sustainable manner for organisations big and small.

With more than 15 years of experience behind her, Eleni has partnered with companies like Volkswagen Group Australia, Eagers Automotive Group, Mercedes Benz Brisbane, Griffith University, LJ Hooker, Poolwerx and their teams to drive workplace culture, motivation and high performance in a flexible, diverse and inclusive manner.

Eleni can help you achieve the same through bespoke team workshops, keynote speaking, high-performance leadership programs, one-on-one business coaching, employee engagement strategy and career transition support. She draws on contemporary practices, business understanding and the science of psychology to help you cultivate the right mindset, culture and leadership skills. This is how she inspires personal, professional and organisational change to keep businesses thriving with productivity, profitability and a positive social impact.

Eleni is also always networking near and far, and is a great people-connector. She thoroughly believes that your network does many times correlate with your net-worth. Eleni holds a Masters in Organisational Psychology, Bachelor in Psychological Science (Honours) and is an AHPRA Registered and Endorsed Organisational Psychologist.

Eleni currently serves as an Elected Councillor and Board Member of the Greek Orthodox Community of Saint George in Brisbane. This organisation provides a range of services to the broader community, including aged, community and disability care, hospitality and events, and language, sporting and cultural services.

If you’d like to make an inquiry or reach out for collaboration opportunities, Eleni would love to hear from you. Feel free to send her a direct LinkedIn message or book in a complimentary discovery call via this link:

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David Rudduck

David Rudduck

CEO, Solis Security and CFC Response, Australia; and Committee Member, ACS QLD Gold Coast Chapter

For over 20 years, David and his team have been helping SMB and SME businesses understand their cyber risk and implement practical cyber security solutions that meet their unique needs and budget.

In April 2021, David’s business was acquired by CFC, a major cyber insurer based in London with clients in over 90 countries. On the 18th of October 2022, three business units in the USA, UK and Australia were officially brought under the one banner, “Solis”, a global leader in Cyber Incident Response and Proactive Cyber Security services.

David is the CEO of CFC Security in Australia, which operates under two brands.

“Solis Security” when providing Cyber Advisory, Proactive Cyber Security, Digital Forensic and Incident Response services.

“CFC Response” when providing Digital Forensics and Incident Response services to CFC insurance policy holders under their insurance policy.

David is a CISSP, GCFE (Certified Forensic Examiner), GCFA (Certified Forensic Analyst), GCFE (Certified Forensic Examiner) and Certified Professional (Cyber Security) by the Australian Computer Society. 

David is passionate about empowering boards, business owners and managers with the knowledge they need to make educated decisions on cyber security based risks for their business.

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Simarjot Alag

Simarjot Alag

Business Analyst, MYP Corporation and Vice-Chair, ACS QLD Emerging Professionals Committee

With a decade-long background as a Business Analyst, Simi has garnered extensive expertise across diverse industries within the IT industry. Her dedication lies in designing streamlined processes, establishing impeccable quality standards, and ensuring client-centric value delivery.

A Business Analyst at MYP Corporation, Simi embodies agile principles while working to bridge the gap between business and tech, providing value-based outcomes for the customers. She also assumes the role of vice-chair for the Emerging Professionals Committee and is a strong advocate for Business Analysis within ACS. She plans to create a series of events and articles to support future leaders in the industry. Balancing her professional commitments, she nurtures a spirited toddler and embraces the title of "mama."

Simi aspires to establish a robust support network aimed at newcomers and mid-level professionals alike, in the technology sector, reflecting her vision to lay down strong foundations for IT professionals and entrants. 

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Geoffrey Purcell

Geoffrey Purcell

Chief Digital Officer, James Cook University and Chair, ACS QLD Cairns Chapter

Geoff am a business-driven Chief Technology Officer, Chief Digital Officer and Chief Information Officer, with global and CEO start-up experience. His passion is business, technology and digital transformation that drives business value. As a technologist, he believes the leader of technology in a business, must truly understand the business and its full potential, in order to truly add value to that business. 

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Geoff Augutis

Geoff Augutis

Co-Owner and CEO, Queensland Computers and Chair, ACS QLD Bundaberg Chapter

Geoff Augutis is an IT industry entrepreneur whose company spans across Queensland, employing 40 staff and delivering products and services to much of the state. Outside of his role as CEO, Geoff is a PHD candidate performing research in the field of Education Technology as well as dedicating time regularly to support his regional ACS chapter chair and a variety of other good causes. He is passionate about the intersection of where technology meets people. 

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Jack Growden

Jack Growden

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, LiteHaus

Jack Growden is the 26-year-old Founder & CEO of LiteHaus International conquering digital inequality across Australia and Asia-Pacific. Having provided over 150,000+ students four countries with digital learning tools and opportunities, Jack’s sights are now set on impacting one million people by 2027. An award-winning changemaker, Jack has been recognised as one of the top 20 social innovators under 35 in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as a Finalist in the Young Australian of the Year awards, and the Queensland Emerging Philanthropist of the Year.

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Dominique Lamb

Dominique Lamb

Queensland Small Business Commissioner, Queensland Government

In December 2022, Dominique Lamb was appointed as the Queensland Small Business Commissioner.
Formerly as the CEO of the NRA, Dominique played an integral role in the development of the federal leasing code throughout the COVID lockdown period with industry organisations representing landlords and tenants.

Recently, the QSBC helped design the Queensland Government’s small business study, the small business survey, and the upcoming Understanding Migrant Small Business Research project. 

Dominique is looking forward to sharing these findings and leveraging these insights for the benefit of small business owners across the sunshine state. 

If you are small business looking for information, guidance or simply are not sure what to do next, reach out to the QSBC today.  

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Sarah-Jane Peterschlingmann

Sarah-Jane Peterschlingmann

Managing Director, ATech and Vice Chair, ACS QLD Branch Executive Committee

Sarah-Jane Peterschlingmann is the owner and Managing Director of ATech, an award-winning company that delivers cloud hosting and web development for mission critical websites.

Starting as a web developer, Sarah-Jane helped to grow ATech from humble beginnings to multi-million dollar revenues and an impressive list of high calibre clients including Virgin Australia, Seqwater and Brisbane City Council.

Sarah-Jane is an investor, entrepreneur, business adviser and technology enthusiast who regularly speaks on the topics of technology, innovation and leadership. She is a featured author of the new international bestseller “Wholehearted Leadership Revolution”.

Sarah-Jane’s raft of awards include 2022 Queensland Pearcey ICT Entrepreneur of the Year. 

Sarah-Jane is Vice Chair of the ACS Qld Branch Executive Committee for 2024/2025, and Founding Chair of AI startup, LiveMind. She has held seats on advisory boards and executive committees for CQUniversity, QUT and Women in Technology.

She has a Bachelor of IT majoring in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Electronics, a Master of Property Studies, an Executive MBA, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

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Jason Tan

Jason Tan

Founder, Engage AI

Jason Tan is the Founder of Engage AI. It’s the Second Brain to technical SME owners and founders in the B2B industry, like Anne Hathaway is to Meryl Streep in the iconic Devil Wears Prada movie. With its impeccable long-term memory and timely information, it acts like an ever-reliable PA who can convey crucial details during conversations and deepen relationships effectively.

Having implemented Engage AI for 50,000 users worldwide, Jason and his team also share their lessons learned with and assist enterprises in embracing and incorporating Generative AI and Large Language Models into their business.

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Holly Bretherton

Holly Bretherton

State Manager - Queensland, Australian Computer Society

Holly Bretherton is State Manager at ACS Queensland, the peak member community for the tech profession. Holly works together with a dedicated branch team to oversee ACS member outreach and engagement, professional development, government liaison, and local marketing and communications activities for the Branch in Queensland. Holly has worked for 20-plus years in a range of executive management roles in membership organisations including AMA Queensland, Queensland Law Society and Aged Care Queensland. Holly is passionate about connecting ACS members with the relevant professional networks, resources and educational programs to further their tech careers at each and every stage, and supporting a strong, vibrant community of ACS Queensland members across all of Queensland.

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Gayan Benedict

Gayan Benedict

Chief Technology Officer, Salesforce Australia/NZ

Dr Gayan Benedict is CTO of Salesforce Australia/NZ and former CIO of the Reserve Bank of Australia. He has previously held technology leadership positions in strategy and architecture at Westpac Banking Corporation and Oracle Corporation. He is an industry research fellow at MIT Sloan's Center for Information Systems Research and recently completed a Fulbright Scholarship at Georgetown University's CyberSMART Center in Washington DC where he was researching AI cyber risk and blockchain governance. 

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Ryan Cooling

Ryan Cooling

Group Technology and Security Manager, Wagner Corporation and Member, ACS QLD Downs and South West Chapter

Ryan is a skilled IT professional with over 15 years’ experience, primarily in consulting and managed services. He started his career in the Army and branched out into the private IT sector working with various local, interstate and multinational companies as well as government agencies. Joining Wagner Corporation in 2019 as their IT Manager, Ryan has been instrumental in delivering secure, reliable, high performance IT infrastructure and operations across Wellcamp Airport, Wellcamp Business Park, Wagners Pinkenba Wharf and their carrier business Wellcamp Telecommunications.  

Ryan was also managed Wellcamp Security the physical security arm of Wagner Corporation. Wellcamp Security incorporates both security services and security infrastructure for  Wagner Corporation, its entities and wider customers.  

Ryan has been a key part to the company’s continued IT and Security strategy and development.  

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Matthew Eames

Matthew Eames

CIO, Protech and Chair, ACS QLD Branch Executive Committee

With 20+ years’ experience in the ICT sector, Mathew possesses a comprehensive global perspective spanning various industries. Initially specializing in devising strategies and ICT planning for a prominent global enterprise, Mathew has recently shifted gears to concentrate on collaborating with and aiding local Queensland businesses. Presently holding the position of Chief Information Officer (CIO) at a national recruitment firm, Mathew is deeply committed to fostering the growth of ICT within the local landscape.

Dedicated to advancing ICT initiatives locally, Mathew is the Chair of ACS (Australian Computer Society) QLD Branch Executive committee and is an active member of the Gold Coast chapter within ACS.

He engages in mentoring aspiring students while concurrently developing pathways that emulate traditional apprenticeship programs but developed specifically to the field of ICT. 

Mathew's primary objective centres around developing the local ICT sector, and further propelling Australia towards becoming an innovative force on the global ICT stage.

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Angela Jones

Angela Jones

Chief Digital and Information Officer, Workforce

Angela is a highly experienced technology executive and enthusiast, having held leadership roles in both the public and private sectors within the technology industry. She has a strong track record of successfully utilizing technology to improve business performance and customer experience, and she is always eager to demonstrate the value that digital and ICT can bring to a business.

In January 2024, Angela transitioned to the role of Chief Digital & Information Officer at Workcover Queensland, following her position as CIO at RSL Queensland. Her previous roles include senior digital and ICT leadership positions at ASX-listed Tabcorp, Tatts, Biosecurity Queensland, Queensland Government ICT service provider Information & Technology Partners, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Angela has also served as a director on the Women In Technology Board and is a Graduate of the AICD.

Angela is dedicated to driving transformative change and excels at aligning business and technology strategy, forging connections across complex organizations, and cultivating high-performing cross-functional teams to execute strategy. Outside of her professional life, she is actively involved in her community, volunteering her time and supporting not-for-profit organizations, and she also serves as a Justice of the Peace.

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Jen Kwok

Jen Kwok

Director Business Applications and Strategy, Department State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning 

With over 17 years of experience in the IT industry, Jen has lead and overseen large IT teams  and initiatives  whilst holding multiple roles in Government, and Chief Information Officer roles. Those advisory roles have included shaping ICT strategic plans, establishing application roadmaps, building business relationships and facilitating technology-enabled projects. Jen’s contributions have left a lasting impact across a wide spectrum of organisations, including the Queensland State Government and numerous major enterprises in Queensland. 

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Nicola Steel

Nicola Steel

Founder, JJP Talent Solutions 

Nicola Steel is the Founder of JJP Talent Solutions, a values-driven IT recruitment business whose mission is to make the world a better place by helping growing tech teams in purpose led companies.

She has over 20 years IT recruitment experience in both Australia and the UK working with high growth startups, innovative SMEs and visionary corporates. Over 99% of candidates she places pass their probation period and become highly valued team members thus avoiding the pain and cost of a bad hire. 

Nicola is the Preferred Recruitment Partner to both the Australian Computer Society and River City Labs. She is passionate about improving diversity within the tech industry as well as building high performing tech teams and outstanding IT careers.

JJP Talent Solutions also has a career coaching division called Career Transformations which helps tech professionals to unlock their career potential and have more rewarding careers.

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Gareth Jones

Gareth Jones

General Manager of Service and Practice, Business Analysis (BAPL)

Gareth is a CBAP Certified General Manager of Service and Practice at Business Analysis (BAPL) - an Australian-based business analysis consultancy. He has over 15 years of experience with numerous private organisations as well as both Federal and State-level Government. He has a proven track record of accomplishment having delivered both large and small scale projects across various organisations. He strives in building trusting stakeholder relationships at all levels. This enables him to obtain a clear understanding of business strategies and align this to operations to deliver successful business outcomes.

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Justin Temple

Justin Temple

Strategic Lead Business Analysis Consultant, BAPL

As a seasoned professional with a diverse background spanning roles in Administration to Contracts, Justin's career has been driven by an unwavering passion for continuous improvement. In his current role as a Lead Strategic Business Analysis Consultant at BAPL, Justin brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of navigating complex business landscapes. Through the lens of Business Analysis, Justin has successfully engaged with a myriad of stakeholders, consistently delivering tangible and impactful results.

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Leanne Nuen

Leanne Nuen

Strategic Lead Business Analysis Consultant, BAPL

Leanne has over 21 years in the IT industry and has worked on multiple strategic programs of change in different industries which include banking, insurance, manufacturing, transport, and broadcasting. Leanne is experienced in bridging the gap between business and IT and ensuring pragmatic initiative delivery. Leanne is able to simplify complexity and ensure that the real business problem or need is solved with the right solution through a structured methodology.

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Paritosh Sharma

Paritosh Sharma

Business Analysis Consultant , BAPL

Paritosh's proficiency in leveraging AI technologies aligns seamlessly with the evolving landscape of business agility. His Master of IT background, coupled with 8+ years of experience in digital transformation, uniquely positions him to harness the power of artificial intelligence for enhancing operational efficiency, adaptive decision-making, and strategic innovation within organisations. His forward-thinking approach to integrating AI into business analysis reflects a commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, fostering a dynamic and responsive environment in the ever-changing realm of the digital industry.

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Zolzaya Bayarsaikhan

Zolzaya Bayarsaikhan

Business Analysis Consultant, BAPL and Committee Member, ACS QLD Emerging Professionals Committee

A skilled Business Analysis Consultant at Business Analysis (BAPL), Zaya excels in fostering collaboration within cross-functional teams. Her expertise lies in conducting thorough business process analyses to pinpoint and effectively address potential areas for process improvement. Holding a Master's degree in Information Technology from Griffith University, Zaya is specialised in Information Systems. Her professional journey spans various sectors, including a notable stint in supply chain management within the mining and metals industry, where she earned recognition as a Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP).

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Paul Gampe

Paul Gampe

Chief Technology Officer, Console Connect by PCCW Global

Operating as a senior software executive with a substantial technical foundation, Paul has led multidisciplinary teams globally for over 20 years.

Paul holds a wealth of experience in all aspects of the software industry – especially in terms of acquisitions, investments, development, quality engineering, program management and operations – and has led multi-disciplinary teams on a global basis. He is expert in open source technology, has worked extensively in the fields of cloud computing, networks and data centres, and has earned a track record for delivering outstanding financial results.

Earlier in his career, Paul was General Manager of TWICS, Japan’s first public Internet service provider. In the late 1990s, he led technical operations for the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), which is one of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) responsible for ensuring fair distribution and management of IP addresses and related resources.

With experience in cloud, networks, data centers, and open source globally, Paul has developed specific expertise in the open source technology landscape. As a highly effective manager, he has a proven track record of managing global teams and products whilst delivering outstanding financial results.

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Vu Tran

Vu Tran

Co-Founder, Go1

Vu Tran is a cofounder of Go1, a proudly Logan and indeed Queensland founded and headquartered Edu-tech start-up which has grown from a team of four to a team of almost 1,000 people across 22 countries globally. With a mission to help businesses unlock positive potential in their people through a love of learning, Go1 is the world’s largest aggregator of workplace skills training providing a library of over 100,000 courses to employees across over 5,000 businesses and organizations. Vu is also a practicing medical doctor still working and seeing patients as a general practitioner.

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Charles Pollack

Charles Pollack

CEO, Picnic Labs

Charlie has been working in General Insurance in Australia for over 30 years.  Having been at the bleeding edge of ‘data mining’ and developing many applications of statistical and other modelling in an insurance context, he has seen the benefits and weaknesses of predictive modelling when deployed in business critical activities.  With a focus on achieving business efficiencies, and minimising wasted time and money, as well as delivering leading customer interactions Charlie enjoys exploring ways to use new approaches in a measured fashion.

As CEO of Picnic Labs, focusing on building and operating mutual risk protection companies, Charlie looks to bring communities together to protect each other in an environment they trust.  Technology and efficient operations is central to achieving this and therefore he is always keeping an eye on new developments in AI.

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Tony Ashton

Tony Ashton

Chief Product Officer, One Model

Tony Ashton has been a pioneer in the people analytics and workforce planning field for over 25 years. Working across all areas of HR with deep experience in Analytics, Workforce Planning, Strategic HR & HR Technology.  Tony was part of the executive team for the Brisbane based workforce analytics company Infohrm where he led implementation and adoption services before creating the Product Management function. Infohrm was acquired by SuccessFactors and then SAP where Tony was Vice President of Product Management. Tony is passionate about creating new technologies to help harness the power of people and is currently Chief Product Officer at One Model - People Analytics.

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Marta Indulska

Marta Indulska

Professor of Information Systems and Director of Research at the Business School, The University of Queensland
Marta Indulska is a Professor of Information Systems and Director of Research at the Business School, The University of Queensland, as well as Research Director at the ARC funded Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Information Resilience. Her main research interests include data management, innovation and emerging technologies. She has published over 100 articles in internationally recognised journals and conferences. Her research has appeared in the Information Systems discipline’s top journals, including MIS Quarterly, European Journal of Information Systems and Journal of the Association for Information Systems, as well as numerous Management journals, including Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Small Business Management. She has worked with government and organisations in the health, retail, consulting and non-profit sectors on topics related to emerging technology disruption and business value.

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641 Ann Street,Fortitude Valley,QLD,Australia

  • where

  • Cloudland
    641 Ann Street
    Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
  • when

  • Event Start:
    Fri 31 May 08:00 AM AEST

    Event Finish:
    Fri 31 May 06:30 PM AEST
  • event price

  • -

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  • Online registration ends at the time stated on the event registration page.

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All cancellations must be processed through the website, a refund will only be considered if it is at least 3 working days prior to the event.


  • ACS reserves the right to change the program at any time. Every effort will be made to ensure a program of equivalent standard and members are updated with changes.
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  • We ask all ACS members to respect the social distancing guidelines, if an attendee repeatedly disregards these guidelines, they may be asked to leave
  • ACS reserves the right to cancel the event within 24 hours' notice if either the speaker or the event host has advised us that they are exhibiting flu or cold like symptoms
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  • conducting research to improve its events and better understanding needs. 

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