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ACS WA Young Professionals Conference

The Young Professionals Conference is a half day multi speaker event aimed at providing young ICT professionals and students with the knowledge and skills on how to be successful in their career.

Technology Park Function Centre (Seminar Room 2), 2 Brodie-Hall Drive, BENTLEY, WA, 6102
Fri 27 Sep 2019 08:30 AM AWST
Duration: 3.5 hours
Register by Fri 27 Sep 2019 08:30 AM AWST
In Person
CPD Hours: 4
Skills Level: Professional development (PDSV) -> Level 4

About this event

Young Professional Summit Pic


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This Conference will have three sessions presented by accomplished industry professionals who will share their experience and expertise in what it takes to stand out and be a successful ICT professional.

As the next generation of leaders in the ICT industry this event will explore relevant topics on:
  • the personal attributes needed for ICT career success, 
  • offer an insight to the skills employers are looking for in contemporary working environments
  • examine ICT Opportunities of the Future.
Keynote Presentation - Personal Attributes for Career Success
presented by Nilesh Makwana
CEO at Illuminance Solutions

Nilesh Makwana, CEO of Illuminance Solutions, will share his story of being an international student in Perth, and how he achieved professional success in the Information and Communication Technology field through his life journey covering India, UK and Australia. He will also share how he set up his own business to be a pioneer in his field, recently winning a global award by Microsoft and developing a cultural and gender diverse workforce and achieving great business success.

Session Two - Skills Needed by Today's Employers
presented by Amanda Fox
Director at HR Dept Perth Inner City

Soft skills and hard skills remain the focus of what employers look for in an employee. The ability to get the job done – utilising hard skills is key, but so too is the ability to work well with others by utilising finely tuned soft skills such as communication, collaboration and time management which will set a successful employee apart from the rest of the pack. The rise of AI sees an increasing focus of the importance of soft skills as they are precisely the type of skills which cannot be automated.

Session Three - ICT Opportunities of the Future
presented by Andy Battle
Chief Technology Officer at ES2

Technological progress is a key driver of economic growth throughout Australia, and across the globe. The current rate of technological change is unparalleled, with technological advancement driving major change across all industries and throughout the ICT workforce. Andy will talk about how new technologies like Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality (AR), Data Analytics and Cloud computing are altering how businesses operate, and how technology is helping small businesses bring new innovative products to market through agile development practices, prototyping and code. Andy will explain how ICT professionals have become a vital part of the corporate world, and explain how both employment and remuneration in the profession have increased in recognition of the critical role ICT now plays in business innovation. 


                                  YIT Summit Event Sponsors

Plan Your Journey Pic

To get to the event venue, catch the 960 bus from Wellington Street Bus Station, stands 5-8, in Perth city. Departs from station every 8 minutes. Get off bus at stop # 26788.


Keynote Speaker
Nilesh Kishorbhai Makwana
Amanda Fox
Andy Battle


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration Open
9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
Conference Welcome & Housekeeping
9:05 AM - 9:50 AM
Keynote: Personal Attributes for Career Success by Nilesh Makwana
9:50 AM - 10:15 AM
Morning Tea
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Session Two: Skills Needed by Today's Employers by Amanda Fox
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Session Three: ICT Opportunities of the Future by Andy Battle
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Closing Comments

Event Location

Technology Park Function Centre (Seminar Room 2), 2 Brodie-Hall Drive, BENTLEY, WA, 6102
Technology Park Function Centre (Seminar Room 2), 2 Brodie-Hall Drive, BENTLEY, WA, 6102