Branch Forum

July Branch Forum: Navigating Modern ICT Leadership Challenges [Virtual]

Join us on our special July branch forum at our brand-new location - 555 Collins St!

CPD Hours: 1
Skills Level: -

About this event

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Our July Branch Forum in collaboration IPSecure is here, and this time it's extra special because it marks our inaugural event at our new premises - 555 Collins St!

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We often hear about things like Cyber Security, Climate Change and other macro scale issues which impact our economy and society. ICT has become a critical foundation of so much we rely on, creating many opportunities, but bringing incredibly complex issues along with it. 

ICT is a sector which has so much to offer now, and into the future, but we need the brightest and sharpest practitioners to make that journey a positive one. 
Modern leadership in ICT is a challenging undertaking, its faced with some incredibly difficult technical issues, but equally some highly impactful interpersonal leadership implications. 

Join our panel who will take a look at and propose some solutions to some of the modern and difficult challenges faced by ICT leaders around Australia.


Rod Dilnutt
Fi Slaven
Sam Mackenzie
Stephen Zuluaga