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ACS WA State Conference 2019 - Creating the Roadmap for a Disruptive WA

Annual State Conference

Event Start: Fri 28 Jun 11:15 AM AWST
Event Finish: Fri 28 Jun 07:30 PM AWST


Registration End Date: Fri 28 Jun 11:15 AM

<img alt="technology" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1553844014000"></img><br><br>The <b>ACS WA State Conference</b> is our annual flagship event with keynotes from a range of industry, government, and academia. This year we bring together two thought leadership keynotes and a further two panel sessions; plus plenty of networking opportunities for members, guests and sponsors.<br><br><b>Conference Opening<br>Greg Italiano, Government CIO</b><br><br><b>Keynote Presentation<br>Beyond Digital: Practical Innovation<br>presented by Miriam Stanborough<br>Group Manager - Productivity &amp; Innovation at Monadelphous</b><br><br><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span>It is a common observation that the resources industry is a latecomer to digital transformation opportunities, although this is disputed by many in the industry and there are no shortage of organisations seeking to engage their resources customers in digital initiatives.  ‘Digital transformation’ is often confused with ‘innovation’ where they are in fact two distinct concepts.  Miriam Stanborough will draw from her experience working in Innovation in both mining and contracting companies to discuss the importance of establishing an innovation framework that is underpinned by clear definitions of what these key terms mean for each particular organisation, why a deep understanding of each company’s unique culture and core business activities is critical to developing an appropriate approach to innovation, and the extent to which digital transformation plays a part in this.  </span></span> <br><br><b>Panel: Disruptive Tech Transforming Business Models &amp; Jobs of the Future </b>   <br>                     <br>Digital disruption is occurring everywhere which has manifested itself into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.   It’s digital revolution where technological breakthroughs are challenging existing business models almost overnight.  In this session hear from leading IT companies on how disruptive technology has and will impact on business and work and the new jobs roles that will emerge. <br><br>Panellists include <b>Paul Ostergaard, Founder &amp; CEO at Norwood Systems;</b> <b>Claude De Lucia, Director at Diversus, </b><b>Julie Hobbs, Chief Executive Officer at FutureNow Creative and Leisure Industries Training Council </b>and<b> </b><b>Anle Pretorius, Practice Manager Enterprise Solutions WA at Empired.</b><br><br><b>Panel: Building Capability &amp; Skills to Succeed in a Connected World    </b><br>   <br>Given the complexities and continuous disruption in the Australian and global economy, creating a skill supply chain to build ICT capabilities has emerged one of the top challenges faced by organisations of all sizes. In this session several leading organisations will share their insights and experiences on how they are overcoming the “people” challenge to ensure staff have the required capabilities and skills in a connected world. <br><br>Panellists include <b>Shaun Cameron, Global Organisation Development and Learning Manager at Empired, </b><b>Andy Wood, Executive Director, Corporate Services at the WA Department of Finance </b>and<b> Lea Cairns, T&amp;T Graduate Program Manager, Technology &amp; Transformation.</b><br><br><b>Locknote Presentation<br>Harnessing Data for WA to be Competitive, presented by Dr Ian Oppermann <br>NSW Chief Data Scientist and CEO of NSW Data Analytics Centre</b><br><br>Our world is relentlessly digitising, hyper-connected and ever more personalised. It is also increasingly supported by analytics and AI. The ability to effectively harness data and analytics is essential for us to maintain our place in the world, addresses challenges of an ageing population, weak productivity growth as well as some of the greatest challenges we will yet face in health, our natural environment and the future of work. Embracing data driven technologies for smart cities, smart factories, smart homes and smart government all require us to understand, frame and then address the challenges of data sharing which preserves privacy. This presentation will highlight opportunities and challenges for WA and Australia more broadly. <br><br><b>PROUDLY SPONSORED BY</b><br><br><img alt="ACS WA State Conference Sponsors" src=";feoid=00N9000000EVCh7&amp;refid=0EM0o000001vOwl" style="height: 651px; width: 500px;"></img>


 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM  Registrations Open                          
 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM  Conference Welcome & Housekeeping                          
 12:00 PM - 12:05 PM  Conference Opening by Greg Italiano, Government CIO                          
 12:05 PM - 12:50 PM  Keynote: Beyond Digital - Practical Innovation presented by Miriam Stanborough                          
 12:50 PM - 01:45 PM  Lunch                          
 01:45 PM - 02:45 PM  Panel: Disruptive Tech Transforming Business Models & Jobs of the Future                          
 02:45 PM - 03:45 PM  Panel: Building Capability & Skills to Succeed in a Connected World                          
 03:45 PM - 04:15 PM  Afternoon Tea                          
 04:15 PM - 05:00 PM  Locknote: Dr Ian Oppermann - Harnessing Data for WA to be Competitive                          
 05:00 PM - 05:15 PM  Closing Comments                          
 05:15 PM - 07:00 PM  Sundowner Drinks                          

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Andy Wood

Andy Wood

Andy Wood is currently Executive Director, Corporate Services at the Western Australian Department of Finance. An award-winning technology and transformation specialist, Andy has worked with the Department of Finance since early 2016. His expertise lies in crafting the strategies and culture required to drive enduring value for enterprises, citizens and employees.
Prior to joining Finance in 2016, Andy spent seven years as a Director with global outsourcing firm Serco, leading their Citizen Services business in Western Australia. With 20 years’ senior management experience spanning banking, superannuation, professional services and the public sector, Andy is specifically attuned to the challenges digital disruption brings to citizen service delivery - and, more importantly, its potential impact on individuals, teams and organisations. Andy holds a Masters of Business Administration from Edith Cowan University, specialising in Leadership, Innovation and Creativity.

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Julie Hobbs

Julie Hobbs

Julie is the CEO of FutureNow, an organization that researches strategic workforce development needs. This encompasses future of work discussion and the current and future skills that society will require. The industries that fall within FutureNow’s scope include technology, the creative industries disciplines, sport, recreation, tourism, hospitality, print and racing.   
Julie has been a practicing designer and design academic. She was the Principal Lecturer for design at the Central Institute of Technology for 10 years and is committed to the transformative impact of creative education. She was the National President of the Design Institute of Australia (DIA) from 2014 – 17 and initiated professional development programs to support continuous career learning. She was a Board member of the Australian Design Alliance, is currently on the Board of Artsource and is a Graduate of the AICD.   
Her research interests are around the potential of creativity and design thinking as drivers of cultural, economic and social capital and in how people are adapting to the rapidly changing world of work.  
Julie holds undergraduate qualifications in the Humanities and in Industrial design and postgraduate qualifications in Business Administration, in Education and in Art & Design. 

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Lea Cairns

Lea Cairns

Originally from France, Lea Cairns is the technology graduate program manager at Bankwest, a WA-based bank established in 1895.

Lea has worked at Bankwest for 12 years and was previously a project manager. She is passionate about people and is a committee member of the Bankwest Club W (which promotes women in IT careers) and also a member of various internal, diversity, working groups.

As manager of the graduate program, Lea has been instrumental in the recruitment, development and mentoring of neuro-diverse graduates and in promoting gender diversity within the graduate pool.

As a non-technical professional working in a technical environment, Lea is passionate about building a workforce that has a broad range of capability and skills

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Claude De Lucia

Claude De Lucia

Claude has always had a passion for technology and how it can be used to make life better for everybody.  Since he started coding on his Commodore 64 in 1982 at the age 10, he has forged a solid career designing and building innovative software solutions used by millions around the world to buy, entertain, trade, comply, keep safe and help others.  Since a very young age he has always loved to build things and challenge  life using innovative thinking with limited resources; which has forged his entrepreneurial skills in the tech world and his willingness to teach others the same.

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Anle Pretorius

Anle Pretorius

Keynote Speaker

Ian Oppermann

Ian Oppermann

Dr. Ian Oppermann is the NSW Government’s Chief Data Scientist and CEO of the NSW Data Analytics Centre. Ian has 27 years’ experience in the ICT sector and, has led organizations with more than 300 people, delivering products and outcomes that have impacted hundreds of millions of people globally. He has held senior management roles in Europe and Australia as Director for Radio Access Performance at Nokia, Global Head of Sales Partnering (network software) at Nokia Siemens Networks, and then Divisional Chief and Flagship Director at CSIRO. Ian has an MBA from the University of London and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mobile Telecommunications from Sydney University. Ian is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, is a Fellow and Vice President of the Australian Computer Society, and a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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Keynote Speaker

Miriam Stanborough

Miriam Stanborough

Miriam Stanborough is Group Manager – Productivity & Innovation at Monadelphous, a leading Australian engineering group providing construction, maintenance and industrial services to the resources, energy and infrastructure sectors.  She has previously held roles in Technical Development, Production Management, Business Improvement, HR & Diversity strategy, Project Management, and Sales & Marketing in several large mining companies.  Miriam holds degrees in Chemical Engineering, Arts and Mineral Economics, sits on several not-for-profit and statutory authority boards, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

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Paul Ostergaard

Paul Ostergaard

Paul Ostergaard founded Norwood Systems in 2011 with a vision to create the world’s best private cloud communications platform, servicing the enterprise’s growing need for mobile connectivity.

Paul has a 25-year track record of success and innovation in the high-technology sector, having worked in senior executive roles in start-ups and large corporations across the North American, European and Asia-Pacific regions. Prior to Norwood Systems, Paul founded several companies in the wireless communications sector including the original Norwood Systems Ltd, the award-winning technology pioneer in fixed mobile convergence platforms, founded in 1999.

Previously, Paul headed the global platform marketing strategy for a $1billion systems platform at 3Com Corporation, leading the platform’s brand and core technology development across seven divisions and 37 product lines. During his tenure at 3Com, worldwide market share for this platform increased to an all-time peak of 35% with sales increasing at an average of 50% p.a. to reach $1.2 billion in annual revenue.

He was previously a finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition (London region) and has been invited to speak at events such as Catalyst, ETRE and the Bluetooth SIG conferences. Paul holds a Bachelor of Electronic Engineering from the University of Western Australia and an MBA from INSEAD.

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Shaun Cameron

Shaun Cameron

As Organisation Development and Learning Manager Shaun leads a team to deliver modern talent development solutions across Empired Group globally.

Shaun is a Certified Practitioner of the Australian Human Resources Institute (CPHR) and a HR leader with over 15 years’ experience specialising in organisation design, culture change, employee engagement, change management, leadership development, talent acquisition, talent assessment, learning, and skills transformation. This experience is underpinned by a passion for partnering with leaders to create great workplaces where people want to invest their talent and achieve what they never thought possible.

Originally from NZ, Shaun has worked for organisations representing some of Australasia’s most loved brands across industries including Banking, Government, Mining, Chemicals, FMCG, Manufacturing, IT and Professional Services.

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207 Adelaide Terrace,PERTH,WA,Australia

  • where

  • Pan Pacific Perth
    207 Adelaide Terrace
    PERTH WA 6000
  • when

  • Event Start:
    Fri 28 Jun 11:15 AM AWST

    Event Finish:
    Fri 28 Jun 07:30 PM AWST
  • event price

  • Non-Member: $150.00

  • * Your price may vary on registration depending on your membership type.

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  • If an attendee is displaying flu or cold like symptoms in the days leading up to the event and therefore is not able to attend, ACS will refund the registration fee.
  • If an attendee comes to an event and is displaying flu or cold like symptoms they will be asked to leave
  • We ask all ACS members to respect the social distancing guidelines, if an attendee repeatedly disregards these guidelines, they may be asked to leave
  • ACS reserves the right to cancel the event within 24 hours' notice if either the speaker or the event host has advised us that they are exhibiting flu or cold like symptoms
  • All attendees must provide a valid phone number and email address to be contacted on if there is reason to notify about a possible COVID-19 exposure

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