Limited places now available for the June EdXN Branch Forumhttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2016/101405.htmlIan Opperman is newly appointed Chief Data Scientist and CEO of the NSW Data Analytics Centre. Ian has over 20 years’ experience in the ICT sector and, has ...
VCs, Entrepreneurs join Govt Innovation Boardhttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2016/97616.htmlFresh look for Innovation Australia unveiled.Venture capitalists and digital executives dominate the make-up of the board of Innovation and Science Australia, a ...
STEM professionals need facetime with Aussie studentshttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2016/115292.htmlIndustry complains but doesn’t address grassroots skills issue.More STEM professionals need to take time out to showcase what they do to students in Australian ...
Are you hungry for knowledge? Register for the ACS Future Leaders Institutehttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2016/97277.htmlBeing a courageous Senior IT Executive and CIO requires a unique combination of entrepreneurial flair and strong analytical skills. It means you're able to recognise ...
“Diversity breeds creativity” – a snapshot of yesterday’s special diversity breakfasthttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2017/124397.htmlSummit in Canberra.Joining us was Victoria’s Lead Scientist, Dr Amanda Caples, who took the time out of her busy schedule to attend this special ...
Only 15 seats remaining for next week’s Diversity event – make sure you secure your ticket before they sell outhttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2017/123932.htmlWe are less than one week out from our special ACS Victoria Diversity – How far have we come? event, and with only 15 seats remaining!The morning will see a moderated ...
Hottest tech jobs detailed in new reporthttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/media-releases/media-release---hottest-tech-jobs-detailed-in-new-report.html· The fastest growing tech sector jobs are in data, with Database Architect ads growing 191%, Data Warehousing Specialist positions at 174% ...
Registration is open for the ACS Canberra 2016 Annual Conference - Early bird rate ends 30 Junehttps://www.acs.org.au/insightsandpublications/news/2016/102047.htmlintelligence, sensors and the internet of things, the data that arises from those sensors and autonomous machines and its analysis. We also explore ...
Telecommunications Boardhttps://www.acs.org.au/governance/telecommunications-board.htmlTELECOMMUNICATIONS BOARD
Honorary Life Members 2020-2029https://www.acs.org.au/professionalrecognition/hall-of-fame/HonoraryLifeMembers20202029.html