An applicant's qualification should fit broadly within IT, Data Science or Cyber Security. The qualifications submitted should illustrate a gradual shift from guided learning to more independent learning in the final year, promoting the step-by-step growth of a student's knowledge and skills.
Australian qualifications that have been accredited by the ACS will generally meet the IT, Data Science or Cyber Security major criteria. Please note that this does not guarantee that the qualification will be assessed as being closely related to the nominated occupation and ANZSCO code.
Yes, but only in certain circumstances:
A standard 3-year Bachelor’s level qualification is deemed as having a major in computing if at least 33% of the qualification is IT. Qualifications that are longer in duration are assessed to the equivalent of a 3-year AQF Level 7 (Bachelor) award.
A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree qualification is deemed as having a major in computing if it contains one full academic year worth of ICT content. For example:
A 2-year postgraduate qualification (such as Graduate Diploma or Masters) is deemed as having a major in computing if at least 50% of the qualification is ICT. Qualifications are assessed to the equivalent of a 2-year AQF Level 8 and above award. An Australian postgraduate degree with only 12 subjects requires at least 67% ICT content.
Australian postgraduate qualifications must contain:
If your qualification involves a thesis or research project, you must provide an abstract of the thesis or research project. If possible, the primary supervisor should endorse the abstract. The front page of the abstract should display the university name, the date of thesis publication or project completion, and specify the percentage and nature of IT content relevant to your nominated ANZSCO. In the case of a research-based postgraduate qualification (Master or PhD) completed primarily through a thesis, the assessment will focus on the research content and findings presented in the official thesis.
Please note region-specific requirements depending on where you obtained your qualification.
If providing a qualification from a country that is a signatory to the Bologna Agreement, please submit the Diploma Supplement.
Please provide the graduation Diploma and the certificate of award according to the regulations concerning academic degrees in the PRC if applicable.
Please provide the award certificate and full academic transcript with HEC (Higher Education Commission Pakistan) attestation.
Please supply evidence of passing the Professional Regulation Commission’s Licensure Examinations if available.
The Seoul Accord is a multilateral agreement between countries that allows certain University level Bachelor and Master degrees to be recognised by the Seoul Accord signatories. ACS has been a signatory of the Seoul Accord since its inception in 2008.
Qualifications recognised under the Seoul Accord may be considered to have met the ICT major criteria for migration skills assessment purposes.
You can start the process now and come back to it any time you like. All you need is proof of ID and a way to pay your application fee – Visa, Mastercard, American Express and PayPal are all accepted.
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